List January 2025
Second major book of the 1988 Nobel Prize in economics
laureateALLAIS, Maurice (1911-2010)
Economie & intérêt. Présentation nouvelle des problèmes
fondamentaux relatifs au rôle économique du taux de l'intérêt et de leurs solutions.
Paris, Librairie des publications officielles, Imprimerie nationale [1947].
2 volumes. 422; [423]-800p., continuously paginated. Orig. printed wrappers. A fine set.
€ 2750
First edition. Second major book of Maurice Allais, winner of the 1988 Nobel Prize in economics for his
'pioneering contributions to the theory of markets and efficient utilization of resources'. In it, he 'showed that the
optimum interest rate for a no-growth economy would be 0 percent. Real income is accumulated most efficiently
when the interest rate is equal to the growth rate of the economy ... This is the first version of the golden rule of
accumulation obtained by Phelps some fourteen years later.' Since Allais wrote in French only his contributions
to economic theory became widely acknowledged only when they were rediscovered by English-speaking
economists. Paul Samuelson noted that had Allais written in English, 'a whole generation of economic theory
would have taken a different course'.
*New Palgrave I,p.79.
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ANDREE, Carl Maximilian ( 1781-1827)
Neuester Zustand der vorzüglichern Spitäler und Armenanstalten in einigen Hauptorten
des In- und Auslandes.
Leipzig, bei Johann Ambrosius Barth 1810-11.
2 parts in 1 volume. VIII,360, VIII,136p. With 5 folding tables. Contemp. drab boards, no
label, but a nice copy. (#19191)
€ 250  |
First (only) edition. Short descriptions of the major hospitals and almshouses the author, a physician from
Leipzig, had visited himself. The first part provides details about such institutions in Paris, including the
Hôtel-Dieu, Charité, Bicêtre, Salpétrière, Charenton, Maison de
Santé de Mr Esquirol, and some 30 others. The second part treats similar institutions in Switzerland, the
Netherlands (including het Rasphuis) and Germany.
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BENDA, Julien (1867-1956)
The great betrayal (La trahison les [sic] clercs). Translated by Richard Aldington.
London, George Routledge & Sons, Ltd. 1928
X,188p. Orig. brown cloth, back lettered black, back with slightly faded spot. A bright and
clean copy. (#13078)
€ 350  |
First English edition, originally published in French the previous year. The same year published in the U.S.
with the title The treason of the intellectuals, under whicht title it was republished in 2006.
‘The publication [of this work] in 1927 was undoubtedly one of the major events in political thought
between the two wars. The "Clercs" is what Benda conceived the intellectual to be, someone disengaged from the
mere contingencies of existence and fighting for ideals which went beyond the demands of a given moment in
space and time. In violent and brilliant invective, he attacked the intellectuals of the nineteenth nd twentieth
centuries for having fallen short of this ideal by becoming the devoted advocates not of ideals, but of groups or
existences, material and transient, such as a nation or a social class.'
*Printing and the mind of man 419.
|  |
The most important coin book of the German
Renaissance[BERG, Adam
New Müntz Buech. Darinen allerley gross unnd kleine, silberne und guldene Sorten, umb
wichtiger Ursach willen also fürgestelt werden ... Und dann wirt auch ein Dialogus oder Gespräch,
zwischen dem Gelt und der Armut mit angehängt ... Neben disem allen wirt auch mit einbracht, was die
Müntzen in altem Testament gewest, und was sie golten ...
Gedruckt zu München [Munich], bey Adam Berg 1604.
Folio. [8],80,[12],[10] lvs. Title printed in red and black. With hundreds woodcuts of coins, the
gold coins coloured orange or yellow. Seventeenth-century French half calf, gilt back, extremities little worn.
Bookplate of 'Bibliothèque d'Yves Guermont, Prieuré de Rozérieulles, Abbaye de
Mouzon' to front paste down. A few marginal stains and tears but generally fine. (#29352)
€ 1750

Second edition, first published by the same printer in 1597. The most important coin book of
the German Renaissance, including the coins of the Holy Roman Empire, the Papal States, Spain, Portugal,
France, Navarre, England, Poland, Sweden, Denmark, Scotland, Switzerland, and the Italian states. The second
part, translated as Dialogue between money and poverty, is one of the earliest criticisms of capitalism.
The verso of the penultimate preliminary leaf has a catch-word 'Pro-', the following leaf is unprinted. This
agrees with the digitalized copy found in Google Books. The blank leaf is here used for a manuscript alphabetical
geographical index.
 | [BOISSEL, François (1728-1807)]
Le catechisme du genre humain, que, sous les auspices de la nature & de son véritable auteur,
qui me l'ont dicté, je mets sous les yeux & la protection de la nation françoise & de l'Europe
éclairée, pour l'établissement essentiel & indispensable du véritable ordre moral,
& de l'éducation sociale des hommes, dans la connoissance, la pratique, l'amour & l'habitude des
principes & des moyens de se rendre & de se conserver heureux les uns par les autres.
[No place, no publisher] 1789.
206p. With on the verso of the title errata and a notice that this book was ready to be printed
'two months before the miraculous & for ever memorable day of the assault of the Bastille'. Uncut in fine recent
calf-backed marbled boards, gilt back. (#16341)
€ 900 |  |
First edition. A violent rejection of the existing social order in which the author holds that the three basic
principles of present society: property, marriage and religion, violate the rights of nature. In the form of a
catechism he argues for the restauration of the natural order by means of education, aiming at the equality of men
and the community of goods. He thus holds pre-communist views much resembling those of Babeuf. A second
edition of this appeared in 1792.
*Martin & Walter I,3846. Monglond I,c.313. INED 578. Not in Kress, Goldsmiths' or Einaudi.
Lichtenberger p.52.
[BURCH, Johan van der (1672-1758)]
Kort beright van de meeste redenen en middelen daer op gefundeert sijn de in een deductie breder
vermelde vierderlye concept-middelen, alle tenderende omme in plaetse van de honderste penningen een ander
middel te introduceren, waer door ‘t gemeyne landt het aequivalerende montant van de gerequireert wordende
honderste penningen soude geworde ...
Te Dordrecht, gedrukt by Joannes van Braam [1703].
4to. [X],74p. No binding. (#25844)
€ 750 First edition. A proposal to replace the hundredth penny a.o. by the formation of an
annuity |  |
fund, to meet the financial needs of the war. The author came from an old regent family
and was for a time a member of the city government of Dordrecht. He published several works on lotteries and
annuities, including polemics with Willem Kersseboom.
M. van Haaften has dated this 1703, based on internal evidence.
*NCC records two copies dated 1712 (KB and UVA), one copy dated 1704 (BL), and two copies (IISG
and NYPL), with a slightly different title, dated 1709. M. van Haaften, ‘Van der Burch's Kort beright betreffende
lijfrenten uit 1703', in De Verzekeringsbode, 11 juli 1952. Bouwstoffen voor de geschiedenis van de
levensverzekeringen en lijfrenten in Nederland, p.155-165.
 | CHAMOUSSET, Claude Humbert Piarron de (1717-
Oeuvres de M. de Chamousset, contenant ses projets d'humanité, de bienfaisance et de
patriotisme; précédées de son éloge, dans lequel on trouve une analyse suivie de
ses ouvrages; par M. l'abbé Cotton des-Houssayes.
Paris, de l'imprimerie de Ph.D.Pierres 1783.
2 volumes. [IV],8,CXL,366; [IV],376,[4]p. With folding table to volume 1 and 8 large folding
tables at end of volume 2. Contemp. mottled calf, marbled endpapers and edges, volume labels gone, some wear.
€ 1500 |  |
First edition thus. A collective edition of the author's memoirs on pauperism and the care for the poor and
sick, partly hitherto unpublished. The author was one of the greatest philanthropists of the eighteenth century,
admired by among others Rousseau and Voltaire. He is best known for his project of a ‘maison d'association',
which has been recognized as an early example of a Friendly Society. It would guarantee each associated member
all help needed in case of sickness or distress, not only for the poor and homeless, but also for those who are to
rich for charity but can not afford home nursing.
The present volumes include several memoirs related to this project, on which he also spent a part of his
fortune. Among the other memoirs are plans for the reform of the Hotel-Dieu in Paris, a ‘political memoir on the
children' (with proposals for the colonization of Louisiana!), a plan for the management of the hospitals and the
banishment of mendicancy, suggestions for better water and the promotion of public health, etc. etc.
Part of these pieces were published separately, but they are extremely difficult to find, and it seems
nowadays almost impossible to get a complete collection.
*INED 1209 (this edition) and 3570/5 (separately issued pieces). Not in Kress (two separately issued
pieces 6747 and S.4093). Not in Einaudi (a separately issued piece 4434). Granier 361. Higgs 1500 note.
Coquelin & Guillaumin I,p.328. Lichtenberger p.327-9.
An early example of a Friendly
Society [CHAMOUSSET, Claude Humbert
Piarron de (1717-1773)]
Plan d'une maison d'association, dans laquelle au moyen d'une somme très-modique chaque
associé s'assurera dans l'état de maladie toutes les sortes de secours qu'on peut désirer.
[Followed by:] Additions et eclaircissemens au Plan d'une maison d'associaton ... [caption titles].
[No place, no publisher 1754].
2 parts. 4to. 15; 12p. Unbound. Outer margins a little damp stained. Tiny holes in inner
margins. (#31002)
€ 450 |  |
First edition of both parts, very rare. A famous plan for the founding of an institution for the relief of the
disabled, sick and poor people, based upon the principle of mutual benefit. This plan has been recognized as an
early example of a Friendly Society.
'C'est le plus ancien projet de Piarron de Chamousset, qui a en vue non pas seulement les indigents, mais
les malades de toutes conditions, particulièrement ceux (les isolés - célibataires,
militaires, marchands, etc.) qui ne sont ni assez riches pour se faire soigner chez eux, ni assez pauvres pour les
maisons de charité. Cet établissement ouvert à tous serait également
proportionné à tous (différentes catégories de chambres, dortoirs), et les
traitements seraient dispensés équitablement sans tenir compte de la somme allouée'
Chamousset was head of the Chambre des comptes, fysician and inventor - known as the initiator of the
Petite Poste, a local postal service in Paris, He was also one of the greatest philanthropists of the eighteenth
century, admired by among others Rousseau and Voltaire. He spent his fortune on projects for poor relief and
medical care for the lower classes.
*Einaudi 4434. INED 3573 (the first part only). Not in Kress, Goldsmiths' or Granier.
CHIJS, Jacobus Anne van der
Neêrlands streven tot openstelling van Japan voor den wereldhandel. Uit officieele,
grootendeels onuitgegeven bescheiden toegelicht.
Amsterdam, Frederik Muller 1867.
XIV,530,[2]p. Fine recent cloth, gilt-lettered back, orig. printed front cover laid down. Afew
leaves foxed. Fine copy. (#32183)
€ 1250 |  |
First (only) edition. A history of the Dutch role in opening Japan to world trade based upon a great number
of documents.
Appended are the following pieces: Geschiedenis der afschaffing van den Komps- en Kambanghandel,
Geschiedenis van het Nederlandsche marine-detachement in Japan, Wederlegging van het medegedeelde over de
Nederlandsche politiek jegens Japan in: Perry: Expedition to Japan, Japansche publicatiën naar aanleiding
der additionele artikelen, Chronologisch overzigt, and Over het gebeurde van 1862 tot 1866.
*Cordier c.588.
COCHIN, Augustin (1823-1872)
L'Abolition de l'esclavage.
Paris, Jacques Lecoffre & Guillaumin 1861.
2 volumes. [IV],XXXVII,[3],483; [IV],533,[2]p. Contemp. half calf, backs richly gilt, marbled
sides and endpapers. Fine set. At top of the preserved upper wrapper of the first volume: ‘Offert par l'‘auteur'.
€ 750
First edition. The first volume treats the results of the abolition of slavery in the French colonies and more
concise in the English, Danish and Swedish colonies. The second volume treats the results in the United States,
and the relation between Christianity and slavery.
These volumes contain numerous details about the proceedings that led to the dismantling of the slave
system by the National Convention in 1794, its reintroduction by Napoleon in 1802, its second abolition in 1848,
and its legal, social, economic, demographic and religious implications, particularly in Martinique, Guadeloupe,
Réunion and French Guiana.
Cochin was a liberal catholic author of works on subjects like education and social welfare. He wrote ‘that
slavery is above all the negation of the family, the slave always being separated from his family'. But for him
abolition cannot have a purely philosophical vocation and is not separable from the divine.
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DU MO[U]LIN, Charles [or Carolus MOLINAEUS]
Sommaire du livre analytiqve des contractz, vsvres, rentes constituees, interestz & monnoyes. Ledict
sommaire nouuellement extraict & dicté par le mesme autheur en langue françoyse ...
A Paris, pour Estienne Groulleau 1556.
Small 8vo (11,5 x 7,8 cm). 247 lvs. Contemp. calf, back richly gilt with red and green label,
triple-line borders on both sides, inner gilt borders, marbled endpapers, gilt edges (sd. ‘Petit, succr de Simier'),
upper hinge cracked but firmly holding. A very attractive copy. (#29784)
€ 1750  |
Second edition of this summarized French translation of the author's well-known Tractatus
commerciorum, et usurarum, done by Du Moulin himself and first published in 1547, a year after the original
Latin edition of 1546.
A famous criticism of the canonical prohibition of interest. Du Moulin, a Paris jurist, agreed with his
contemporaries about the existing regulations against the taking of interest, but he distinguished himself with his
clear conception of usury itself. His work was written with great freedom and aroused a storm of protest. The
book was condemned to be burnt and was put on the Index, and its author forced to leave France.
This also exists, with identical collation, with Arnoul L'Angelier as publisher on the title.
*Kress 73.
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[DUNNING, John, Baron Ashburton]
Verdeediging der O.I.Comp. van Engeland, en haarer bediendens, dien van Bengale byzonderlyk,
tegens de klagten van de Hollandsche O.I.Comp.; of memorie der gemelde O.I.Comp. van Engeland,
desaangaande voorgedraagen aan Zyne Maj. den Koning van Grootbritanje, den 3 Februari 1762: met de
bewyzen daartoe behoorende, door Hoog Gezach openbaar gemaakt. Uit het oirspronglyke in het Neerduitsch
‘s Hage [The Hague], by Pieter de Hondt 1762.
[IV],157p. With folding sketch plan (p.135). Uncut in contemp. marbled wrappers. (#10960)
€ 375 |  |
First (only) Dutch edition, a translation of ‘A defence of the United Company of Merchants of England,
trading to the East-Indies, and their servants, (particularly those at Bengal) against the Complaints of the Dutch
East-India Company: being a Memorial from the English Company to His Majesty on that subject'. It was drawn
up on behalf of the English East India Company to justify their actions against the Dutch after the latter's failed
attempts in 1759 to increase their power in Bengal at the expense of the English.
*Knuttel 18848. Landwehr 164.
DUPONT DE NEMOURS, Pierre Samuel (1739-1817)
De l'exportation et de l'inportation des grains. Mémoire lû à la Société
Royale d'Agriculture de Soissons, par M. Du Pont, l'un des Associés.
A Soissons, et se trouve à Paris, Chez P.G. Simon 1764.
[II],VIII,174,[2]p. With folding table, and some vignettes and decorated initials. Fine modern
black blind-tooled morocco, back gilt-lettered, marbled endpapers, gilt edges (sgd Lobstein-Laurenchet). Kept in
a fine marbled slip-case with morocco front. Outer margin of title lightly stained and reinforced, a few foxing
spots, tiny hole in one leaf affecting page numbering and last c.q. first character. (#29294)
€ 3500  |
First edition. The first economic writing of the author, ‘by far the ablest' of the Physiocrats (Schumpeter
p.222). Its aim was to prove the immense advantages which the nation would find in absolute freedom of the
grain trade. The work supplies a detailed description of the causes of fluctuations in grain prices, and may have
contributed to the climate of opinion favorable to arguments for removing restrictions on the grain trade. The
large folding table shows ‘effet de la liberté du commerce extérieur de grains'.
Pages 16 & 17 and 18 & 19, as well as pages 48 & 49 and 50 & 51 are cancels, each printed on one page.
During the printing process Dupont suppressed certain passages of the original, yet unpublished, text read before
the Soissons Society. Goldsmiths' has a copy were the original text was added in manuscript.
On the advice of Quesnay Dupont dedicated his book to Madame de Pompadour, referring to her
protection of the Economistes. However she died before the book appeared.
*Kress S.4336. Goldsmiths' 9977. Higgs 3158. Mattioli 1072. INED 1605. Not in Einaudi.
|  |
EDELMANN, Johann Christian
Selbstbiographie. Geschrieben 1752. Herausgegeben von Dr. Carl Rudolph Wilhelm Klose.
Berlin, Verlag von Karl Wiegandt 1849.
XXVIII,457,[3]p. Contemp. half leather, marbled sides. Tiny burnhole in title and two
following leaves. Foxing, mostly limited to edges and first and last leaves. (#37099)
€ 300 |  |
First (only) edition. Edelmann was a German free-thinker who, having read Spinoza's Tractatus,
became an enthusiastic propagator of his philosophy. As one of the the earliest and most important followers he
greatly contributed to the spread of Spinozism in Germany, influencing a.o. Lessing and Bruno Bauer. He
published several books that brought him into big trouble, violently attacked by the clergy and civil authorities,
and his books were burned at Frankfurt in May 1750.
*Spinoza Bibliografie 1693.
FICHTE, Johann Gottlieb (1762-1814)
Der geschlossne Handelsstaat. Ein philosophischer Entwurf als Anhang zur Rechtslehre, und Probe
einer künftig zu liefernden Politik.
Tübingen, in der J.G.Cotta`schen Buchhandlung, im Spät-Jahre 1800.
Small 8vo. [XXII],290p. Contemp. boards, back with gilt-lettered orange label, edges little
rubbed. A bright copy. (#23221)
€ 1500  |
First edition. The first exposition of a socialist nation in Germany. In The closed commercial state
Fichte outlines a national economy in which production, labour and distribution are centrally organized,
‘protected' against foreign competition. This will guarantee the right of labour for all people, according to Fichte
the chief right of man, and prevent both indigence and excessive wealth. Fichte's social ideas, directly connected
with the ethical outlook of his philosophy, have been of enormous influence on later German and foreign ethical
*Baumgartner & Jacobs 51x. Kress B.4130. Goldsmiths' 17957. Humpert 7668. Stammhammer II,p.113.
|  |
Presentation copyFISHER, Irving (1867-1947)
Mathematical investigations in the theory of value and prices.
New Haven, Yale University Press 1926.
XII,11-126p. With 2 photographic frontispieces. Orig. gilt lettered blue cloth, some vague
staining. Presentation copy, inscribed ‘To Mr. J.W.L.Rowe/ with the compliments/ of Irving Fisher/ March,
1927'. (#21765)
€ 2500
Second printing of the ‘photo-engraved reprint', published the previous year, of Fisher's highly important
contribution to the theory of general equilibrium. ‘This memoir is in substance the writers' thesis for the degree of
Ph.D in Yale University 1891.' It then appeared in the ‘Transactions of the Connecticut Academy, vol. IX, July,
J.W.L.Rowe, but probably John Wilkinson Foster Rowe (1897-1980) was matriculated at Trinity College,
Cambridge and later became Secretary of the Faculty Board of Economics and Politics. He was the author of
numerous works on economics, among which the most important seems his Wages in practice and theory
of 1928.
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FUOCO, Francesco (1774-1841)
Esposizione di una nuova teoria su la rendita della terra.
Pisa, presso Sebastiano Nistri 1825.
[II],54p. Stab stitched. Recent marbled wrappers. (#30435)
€ 1250
First edition, extremely rare. Probably published shortly before the publication of the first volume of the
author's Saggi economici, which includes an essay with the same title, seemingly a more expanded
version, occupying page 1-158 of that volume.
Schumpeter notes that Fuoco was ‘a theorist of note who does not merit oblivion. In some pieces, for
example the one on the use of the concepts of limits in economics, he displayed considerable originality. His
conception of economic equilibrium in some respects marked progress beyond Say's.'
‘His work can be set within the framework of the development of the contemporary Italian school of
thought ... at the same time he can be considered atypical of his school in view of several theoretical and
methodological contributions which place Fuoco among the followers of David Ricardo, both for his deductive
reasoning and for the central role attributed to the theory of rent.'
Theocharis pays extensive attention to Fuoco's contributions to mathematical econonomics. ‘He is, in fact,
the first author to have gone systematically into the literature of mathematical economics available then and to
have presented a systematic defence of the application of mathematical methods in economic analysis.'
*WorldCat locates a single copy only of this (Università di Pisa, Biblioteca di Economia,
attributed to Giuseppe De Welz). Not in Kress, Kress, Italian, Goldsmiths', Einaudi or Mattioli.
Schumpeter p.511. New Palgrave II,p.444. Theocharis, Early developments in mathematical economics,
|  |
GRAUMAN, Johan Philip [GRAUMANN, Johann Philipp]
Het licht des koopmans ...
t'Amsteldam, by de erven van J.Ratelband 1737.
4to (24,5 x 19,5 cm). [XXXIV],319,[1 blank],23,[1 blank],127,[1 errata]p. Uncut in
nineteenth-century plain vellum-backed marbled boards. Modern book plate. Printed on heavy paper. (#21449)
€ 750 |  |
First (only) edition. The long title does not fully reflects the contents of this work. It includes tables for
exchange rates (‘Vergelyking der wissel-courssen') between Amsterdam and the various commercial cities of
Europe (p.1-300), preceded by an instruction for the use of these tables (‘Instructie van ‘t gebruik der tafelen')
(p.XVII-XXXIV). Then follows ‘Konstige machinen of rekenkundige werktuigen, in de wissel-handel'
(p.301-319). The following part is ‘Bericht van de munten en wissel-handel, in de voornaamste koopsteden van
Europa' (23p.), followed by ‘Uitvoerig bericht, van al het geene, dat by deze universaal-regels voornamentlyk
moet in acht genomen worden, waar op de basis of de grondslag van dit geheele werk rust' (120p.), followed by
an index to the complete work.
The author was one of the greatest monetary theorist of his time in Germany, credited with the successful
reform of the monetary system in Brunswick and Prussia. He published an important treatise on the currency
system and the circulation of money, in fact a theoretical plan for devaluation, in 1749 (Abdruck von einem
Schreiben, die Deutsche und anderer Völcker Münz-Verfassung betreffend). At the time of publication
of the present work Graumann lived in Amsterdam, working for the main Amsterdam merchant houses. A French
translation of this (Le guide du negocint) appeared 1740, a German translation (Licht des
Kaufmans) 1754.
*Kress 4337. Bierens de Haan 1796 (erroneously dating it 1749). EHB 383. Not in Goldsmiths'.
GUARNIERI, Paolo Emilio.
Dell'impiegar la gente dissertazione.
In Verona, per gli eredi di Marco Moroni 1784.
XXIII,[1 blank],122,[2 errata]p. With an engraved title-page with medallion with the portraits
of the author and the dedicatee within a decorate border, by Gergli (del) and Dion Valesi (inc). Uncut in
contemp. limp boards, back worn. Modern bookplae to front paste-down. A very fresh copy. (#38946)
€ 1250  |
First edition, very rare. On employment is a plea for popular education and greater freedom of
commerce, enabling the poor and unemployed to free them from dependence and misery. The author, architect
and philosopher, was well acquainted with foreign enlightened writers, referring to a.o. Hume, Locke,
Montesquieu, Rousseau, Vauban, Raynal and Ange Goudar.
With a long dedication to Francesco Griselini, Venetian naturalist, agronomist and enlightened philosopher
and reformer.
*Not in Kress, Goldsmiths', Einaudi or Mattioli. There are 4 copies in Italian libraries, and WorldCat
locates a single copy only outside Italy (Sistema Bibliotecario Ticinese, Lugano).
|  |
HERAULT DE SECHELLES, Marie Jean (1759-1794)
Théorie de l'ambition. Avec des notes par J.B.S. ****.
Paris, Chez Bouquet An X - 1802.
[IV],X,[11]-102p. Uncut in old interim wrappers. (#37972)
€ 750  |
First available edition, posthumously published with notes by Jacques-Barthélemy Salgues. It was
published earlier in 1788 with the title Codicille politique et pratique d'un jeune habitant d'Epône,
but that edition was seized and destroyed and the present edition was done after a manuscript copy.
It is a rather cynical manual for how to get ahead in the world, in which morality means little and social
intercourse is mainly a movement of conflicting forces.
Hérault de Séchelles was born into a noble family and took part in the Revolution, a
freemason he was a member of the Legislative Assembly and the Convention and participated in the drafting of
the Déclaration des droits de l'homme. He was, together with his friend Danton, guillotined in
|  |
Hume, David. - ADAMS, William (1706-1789)
An essay on Mr. Hume's Essay on miracles.
London, printed by E.Say in Ave-Mary-Lane; and sold by R.Dodsley in Pall-Mall, M.Cooper in
Pater-noster-Row, and J.Cotton in Shrewsbury 1752.
[IV],134p. Nineteenth-century calf-backed marbled boards. Half-title and last blank little
stained. (#15216)
€ 1500  |
First edition. One of the first answers to Hume. ‘[This] was long considered as one of the ablest answers
that appeared to David Hume's writings, and was distinguished for acuteness, elegance, and urbanity of style.
Hume, whom he once met in London, acknowledged that he had treated him much better than he deserved.'
Hume's essay Of miracles had appeared in 1748 as the tenth of his Philosophical essays concerning
human understanding.
‘Adams says that the divine power supplies an adequate cause for the production of the alleged effects,
which are therefore credible upon sufficient evidence.'
This is the principal book of the author. William Adams was educated at Pembroke College, Oxford, where
in 1775 he became Fellow and Master. He was a lifelong friend of Samuel Johnson.
This was reprinted in 1754 with a slightly different title, and again in 1776, and even translated into Italian.
*Chuo p.242. Jessop p. 54.
|  |
[ISELIN, Isaak (1728-1782)]
Philosophische und politische Versuche.
Zürich, bey Orell und Compagnie 1760.
Small 8vo. XV,[1],318,[1 errata]p. With engraved title-vignette and several decorated initials
and head- and tail-pieces. Contemp. half calf, somewhat rubbed, marbled edges. Nice bookplate to front
paste-down. Bound with another work (see below). (#34290)
€ 750 |  |
First edition. A collection of essays on the concept of the state, its duties and responsibilities and its
relation with society and the responsibilities of its individual members. Iselin was a Swiss historian, political
philosopher and economist. He was also the editor of the German economic journal Ephemeriden der
Menschheit which soon gained a great reputation and counted among its contributors many of the most
eminent German economists. He converted to the ideas of the physiocrats in the early 1770's.
*Not in Kress, Goldsmiths' or Einaudi. Palgrave II,p.459.
Preceded by: [Friedrich Karl von Moser], Der Herr und der Diener geschildert mit patriotischer
Freijheit. Franckfurt, Johan August Raspe 1761. [VIII],422p. With engraved title and frontispiece. Until page 24
with niggling corrections.
'Rarely does a single volume combine in itself so
much economic interest and so many bibliographical puzzles'
 | Law,
John. - [Great mirror of folly]
Het groote tafereel der dwaasheid, vertoonende de opkomst, voortgang en ondergang der actie,
bubbel en windnegotie, in Vrankryk, Engeland, en de Nederlanden, gepleegt in den jaare MDCCXX ... Gedrukt
tot waarschouwinge voor de nakomelingen, in 't noodlottige jaar, voor veel zotte en wyze 1720.
[Amsterdam 1720.]
Folio. Title (in third state) and 4 (of) 5 text-parts: [II],25,[1],52,26,29-31(thus complete),8p.
With 71 partly folding or double-page plates. Contemp. richly gilt calf, rubbed, gilding faded, extremeties worn,
repair to foot of back, small tear to upper joint. (#15846)
€ 4500 |  |
A renowned monument for the speculative mania of 1720: The great mirror of folly, showing the rise,
progress, and downfall of the bubble in stocks and windy speculation in France, England, and the Netherlands in
the year 1720. It constitutes a collection of mostly satirical plates on the operations of John Law in France
and the South Sea Bubble in England, together with the text of the charters of speculative companies in Holland
and a number of satyrical plays and comedies published during the bubble.
The bibliographical details of this volume are notoriously complicated; they have been amply studied by
Muller and Cole. Neither the publisher nor the exact date of publication are known, most likely it was issued over
a period of several years. Copies are made up of a variable number of plates and parts of printed text, probably
according to the actual availability of the various leaves, and hence no two copies of the book are exactly the
same. Muller and Cole count 74 'regular' plates, as well as some 25 plates that are included only occasionally.
Most copies have the majority (but rarely all) of the regular and a few of the supplementary plates. 'Rarely does a
single volume combine in itself so much economic interest and so many bibliographical puzzles' (A.H.Cole).
The first text-part reprints the charters of some 30 speculative Companies of commerce, navigation and
assurance established or at least projected in Holland between June and October 1720. The following parts
contain comedies and poetry published during the mania, an explanation of the large print with playing cards
known as April-kaart. The fifth part, lacking here, contains ‘Letters on the stock-jobbery'.
The present copy has the regular plates 2-5, 7-26, 28-64, 66-68, 70 and 72-73 and the supplementary plates
2-4 and 6. Some browning and damp staining mostly limited to the outer margins, a few small tears to folds or
margins, one causing minor loss.
LEVY, Paul (1886-1971)
Calcul des probabilités
Paris, Gauthier-Villars [1925].
Large 8vo. VIII,350,[1]p. Orig. printed wrappers. (#21784)
€ 750
First edition. The first of several fundamental contributions to probability theory by the author, widely
regarded as one of the cornerstones of the science. ‘It contained the first systematic treatise of random variables,
their probability distributions, and their characteristic functions.' ‘If there is one person who has influenced the
establishment and growth of probability theory more than any other, that person must be Paul Lévy' (S.J.
Taylor in the Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society).
Lévy was professor of mathematics at the Ecole Polytechnique from 1920 until his retirement in
1959, with a gap during World War II because of his Jewish descent. Among his students he counted
Benoît Mandelbrot and Georges Matheron.
|  |
First collected edition, with the
portraitLOCKE, John (1632-1704)
Letters concerning toleration.
London, printed for A.Millar [and many others] 1765.
4to (29 x 23 cm). [VIII],399p. With an engraved portrait by F.B.Cipriani after Kneller. Finely
bound in full goatskin, richly gilt decorated, back with red label, fine marbled endpapers (sgd. ‘Hales'). Four tiny
spots on title, else fresh. (#30276)
€ 3000  |
First collected edition. This edition includes Locke's Epistola de tolerantia first published in 1689,
with the English translation of the same year, his Second letter concerning toleration from 1690, his long
Third letter for toleration to the author of the third letter concerning toleration of 1692 and his Fourth
letter for toleration, first published in Locke's Posthumous works of 1706. With a preface to the
present edition by the editors Thomas Hollis and Richard Baron.
*Christophersen p.99. Attig 93. Yolton 28.
|   |
Beschreibung der Banquen. Was und wie vielerley derselben seyn, als nehmlich Land-, Lehn- und
Deposito- Wechsel- und Giro- oder kauffmännische Ab- und Zuschreib- wie auch Billets- oder so genannte
Müntz- Zettels- und Actien- Banquen. Wo die vornehmste derselben anzutreffen, mit was vor Statutis und
Verordnungen einige darunter verstehen seyn, und wie hoch dem Pubolicum daran gelegen, dass in allen grossen
Residentz- Reichs- und Handels- Städten, ja auch in gantzen Ländern und Provincien dergleichen
Banquen, zu Beförderung der Commercien, und Nutzen der Einwohner, angeleget würden; wobey zugleich
von dem Recht der Banquen und Banquiers gehandelt, in der summarischen Wiederholung aber ein gewisses
Wechsel-Project examiniret, und endlich die sicherste und beste Ordnung, das Financien-Wesen eines Landes
oder Republic auf guten Fuss zu setzen, gezeiget wird.
Halle und Leipzig, bey Felix du Serre 1717.
4to. [XVIII],408,[14]p. Modern blind-tooled calf, back gilt-lettered. Seriously browned, some
marginal staining, remnants of a stamp on title. (#30350)
€ 3500 |  |
First edition. The first comprehensive work in German on banking. The author treats the rules and customs
of the German and Austrian banks (Hamburg, Leipzig, Nuremberg and Vienna) as well as those of foreign banks
(Amsterdam, Venice, Genoa. London and Stockholm).
Marperger was an experienced business man and a prolific writer of works on commerce, considered as the
founder of modern German business literature.
It was apparently not a great commercial success because in 1723 the remaining copies of Du Serre's
edition were offered by the publisher Johann Christian Martini, with a newly printed title page.
*Kress 3027. Humpert 6788.
 | MARPERGER, Paul Jacob (1656-1730)
Trifolium mercantile aureum, oder dreyfaches güldenes Klee-Blat der werthen
Kauffmannschafft, bestehend: 1) In des Autoris seinen wohlgemeynten Vorschlag von einer neu zu eröffnenden
Kauffmanns-Academie. 2) Einem vollständigen Collegio über die Wissenschafft der Commercien,
und 3) Einer lehrreichen mechanischen Werck-Schul ...
Dresden und Leipzig, in Verlegung des Autoris 1723.
Small 8vo. [XIV],343[i.e. 345, p.142/143 twice],[15]p. With an engraved frontispiece. Recent
decorated boards, back with gilt green label. (#20366)
€ 1250 |  |
First (only) edition. A project for the establishment of institutions for the education of children and adults
for technical and commercial professions. A rare volume by this prolific author of works on commerce and trade.
‘In it, he sketched out his "well-intended suggestions" for opening a merchant academy, a commercial
college (also referred to as a Mercantilische Informations-Collegium) and a variety of mechanical work
schools in Saxony. His suggestions hinged upon a diagnosis of the problems currently besetting the existing
educational establishment, which Marperger insisted were many. Opportunities to learn about Commercia, or
commercial wares and things, did not exist at universities. Throughout Saxony, merchants, mechanics and
handworkers were treated as foreigners, their expertise unappreciated, not to mention the fact that they tended to
know very little about the commercial theories underlying the professions they practised ... The Trifolium
contained a kind of early blueprint for elaborated training programmes for young miners, mechanics, engineers or
other "artisanal experts"' (Kelly J. Whitmer, Projects and pedagogical expectations: Inside P. J. Marperger's
‘golden clover leaf' (Trifolium), 1700–1730).
*Kress S.3093. Humpert 5245. There were reprints of this in 1990 and 1997.
An economic post-incunableMüntz belangende Antwort und Bericht.
Die Müntz Belangende. Antwort und bericht: der furnemesten punct und Artikel, auff das
Büchlein, so der Müntz halben, in der Chur und Fursten zu Sachssen, Landen, mit dem Titel, Der
Gemeinen stymmen, jdoch sunder namen, kürtzlich im druck ausgangen ist, von denen so dagegen die
wolfart der Lande, aus unterthenickeit auch wol meinen. Anno Domini M.D.XXX.
[Wittenberg, Georg Rhau] 1530.
Small 4to (19 x 15 cm). 57,[3 blank]p., A-F4,G2,H4. Title printed in black and red, 19
decorated capitals. Stitched, back covered with marbled paper. (#41004)
€ 2500

First and only edition of the second (including a reprint of the first) of three anonymous
publications that became known as the Drei Sächsischen Münzschriften. They were the
result of a debate that had started in 1526 about the advantages and disadvantages of the debasement of the
coinage by reducing the quantity of silver in the coin. The debate was between (catholic) Albertines and
(protestant) Ernestines, thus named after Ernst and Albrecht, the two sons of Elector Friedrich II of Saxony. It
was opened by the Ernestines who opposed to the deterioration of the quality by the adding of less silver to the
coins, and defended by the Albertines in the present publication.
As stated in the title this reprints (on leaves F2-H3) the first pamphlet Gemeyne stimmen von der
Müntz, und ob es dem hause und Fürstenstumb zu Sachssen Ehrlicher und zutreglicher sey, die alte
gute Müntz zubehalten, odder geringere anzunemen, which originally was printed by Wolfgang
Stöckel in Dresden earlier the same year. It was refuted by the Albertines with a third pamphlet Apologia und
vorantwortung des was wider das Büchlein der gemeinen Stimmen im druck ausgangen.
*Humpert 483. Not in Kress or Goldsmiths'. K.Zielenziger, Die alten deutschen Kameralisten,
[NORTH, Dudley, 4th Baron North (1602-1677)]
Observations and advices oeconomical.
London, printed by T.R. for John Martyn, printer to the Royal Society 1669.
Small 8vo (15 x 9,8 cm). [XIV],132,[9]p. Contemp. calf, double-line gilt borders on both sides,
light rubbing to back and back cover, but an attractive copy. (#31956)
€ 1750  |
First (only) edition. A treatise on the management of a household. ‘Oeconomy is the art of well governing a
mans private house and fortunes, by which appears, that there is no necessary object of oeconomy, save an owner
with his house and possessions, but it is seldom exercised without wife and servants. And children will be desired
for succession sake, and as the bond or tye of affection beteween man and wife ... (p.3).'
North was a member of parliament from 1628 until, with interruptions, 1660. He was ‘an accomplished,
studious man, who wrote on economic and religious subjects'. He was the father of the economist Sir Dudley
North (1641-1691).
*Wing N1286. Kress 1245. Goldsmiths' 1918.
|  |
the administration of Spanish
AmericaOrdenanzas del Consejo Real de las Indias.
Ordenanzas del Consejo Real de las Indias. Nuevamente recopiladas, y por el Rey Don Felipe Quarto
N. S. para su govierno establecidas ano de M.D.CXXXVI.
En Madrid, por Julian de Paredes 1681.
Folio (28,5 x 20,5 cm). 206,[14 index]p. Title with fine engraved coat of arms, numerous large
and several decorated capitals and two tail-pieces. Contemp. calf, gilt back with red label, marbled edges and
endpapers. Very fine copy. (#15417)
€ 6500

Second, revised and considerably expanded edition. The statutes of the Council of the Indies
(formally Royal and Supreme Council of the Indies), the main administrative body for the Spanish colonies in the
Indies and the Philippines. It was established in 1524 by Charles V and exercised absolute power.
The first part (p.1-112) appeared in 1636 and includes 245 ordinances. The second part (with sub-title
Autos, acuerdos, y decretos de govierno del Consejo Real y supremo de las Indias) appears here for the
first time. It includes 190 ordinances that were omitted in the earlier edition as well as ordinances for the
following period.
*Sabin 57477.
[PALM, Johann Philipp (1766-1806), publisher]
Deutschland in seiner tiefen Erniedrigung.
[Nuremberg, Stein] 1806.
144p. Contemp. marbled boards, rubbed, orig. printed upper wrapper preserved. Some mild
browning, stamp on title and last page. With at foot of the title the text ‘Aufgeschnittene oder beschmutzte
Exemplaren werden nicht zurück genommen', apparently removed in other copies. (#40054)
€ 1950  |
First edition, extremely rare. A strongly anti-Napoleonic pamphlet, that translates as Germany in its
deep humiliation. It was immediately seized and destroyed by the French military occupiers. When they
failed to find out the name of the author of the pamphlet its printer Johann Philipp Palm was arrested and,
refusing to reveal the name of the author, after a show trial sentenced to death and shot the next day. It caused
great outrage throughout Germany and Palm became something of a hero as a champion of the freedom of the
Palm was born in Schorndorf in Württemberg. He had been apprenticed to his uncle, the publisher
Johann Jakob Palm in Erlangen, married the daughter of the bookseller Stein in Nuremberg and in the course of
time became the owner of his father-in-law's business.
As possible author of the pamphlet have been suggested Julius Conrad Yelin, Philipp Christian Gottlieb
Yelin, Julius von Soden, Johann Jakob von Willemer, August von Steigentesch, Johann Christian Heinrich Adler
and Christoph Preu. A ‘second revised edition', counting 174 pages, is also dated 1806.
|  |
PARETO, Vilfredo (1848-1923)
Manuel d'économie politique. Traduit sur l'édition italienne par Alfred Bonnet (revue
par l'auteur).
Paris, V.Giard & E.Brière 1909.
[IV],695,[4]p. Contemp. half calf, marbled sides and endpapers, orig. printed wrappers
preserved, some light wear. (#23343)
€ 500  |
First French edition of Pareto's Manuale di economia politica of 1906, revised by the author and
with 'the mathematical appendix greatly improved'.
Whereas Pareto's Cours was 'simply a brilliant Walrasian treatise', and also the Manuale is
'not more than Walras work done over ... however done over with so much force and brilliance as to grow into
something that deserves to be called a new creation'. 'It is better conceived and, more important, much better
thought through than the Cours d'économie politique. It is basically a work of synthesis in which
Pareto presented a general theory of economic equilibrium which is considerably more refined than Walras's.'
*Schumpeter p.858-861.
|  |
PETTY, William (1623-1687)
Several essays in political arithmetick: the titles of which follow in the ensuing pages.
London, printed for Robert Clavel and Henry Mortlock 1699.
[IV],276p., pages 104-139 appear twice. Modern full calf, gilt back with gilt-lettered red label,
new endpapers. Mild browning as may be expected, the last pages somewhat heavier with some brown spots.
Some neat underlining in red, mostly limited to the glosses of the last essay. (#23387)
€ 3000 |  |
First edition of this collection of Petty's essays, rare complete with the general title, apparently lacking in
many copies, and all six divisional titles. It includes his seminal essay Political arithmetick, first
published in 1690. The term ‘political arithmetick' was coined by Petty to describe the application of statistical
data for economic theory and policy, or in the words of his follower Charles Davenant ‘the art of reasoning by
figures upon things relating to government'. It has therefore been seen as a pioneering work in the science of
The essays are the following:
An essay concerning the multiplication of mankind: together with another essay in political arithmetick,
concerning the growth of the city of London: with the measures, periods, causes, and consequences thereof. The
third edition, revised and enlarged, 1698.
Further observations upon the Dublin Bills: or accompts of the houses, hearths, baptisms, and burials in
that city. The third edition corrrected and enlarged, 1698.
Two essays in political arithmetick, concerning the people, housing, hospitals, &c. of London and Paris,
Observations upon the cities of London and Rome. The second edition corrrected, 1699.
Five essays in political arithmetic, 1699.
Political arithmetick, or a discourse concerning the extent and value of lands people, buildings ... 1699.
The Five essays has the English text printed on rectos and a French translation on versos, with
duplicate pagination. The fives essays are the following: Objections from the city of Rey in Persia, and from
Mons. Auzout, against two former essays, answered, and that London hath as many people as Paris, Rome and
Rouen put together, A comparison between London and Paris in 14 particulars, Proofs that at London, within its
134 parishes named in the Bills of mortality, there live about 696 thousand people, An estimate of the people in
London, Paris, Amsterdam, Venice, Rome, Dublin, Bristol and Rouen, with several observations upon the same.
Concerning Holland and the rest of the seven United Provinces.
*Keynes 46. Kress 2127. Goldsmiths' 3571. Wing P1937.
Birth control!  | PLACE, Francis (1771-1854)
Illustrations and proofs of the principle of population: including an examination of the proposed
remedies of Mr. Malthus, and a reply to the objections of Mr. Godwin and others.
London, printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown 1822.
XV,[1 blank],280p. Contemp. half calf, expertly rebacked and recornered, gilt back with red
label, green sprinkled edges. Title with a few brown spots and some vague soiling, a few brown spots on just a
few other leaves. (#34143)
€ 2750 |  |
First edition. An important contribution to population theory, with outspoken advocacy of birth control. It
was provoked by William Godwin's second reply to Malthus. ‘More sanguine than Malthus about the reform of
institutions, he rejected Godwin's inconsistency and naivité. His defence of Malthusian principles and
methods testifies to his own faith in individual effort and to the improvements in civilization he witnessed in his
‘Place lays great stress on the misery, poverty, and crime which so frequently result from large families;
and insists that it should be clearly pointed out to the poor that the market can be overstocked with labour; that
this caused the low rate of wages; that misery and poverty follow indiscretion; and that by voluntary restriction of
families, the supply of labour might be brought rather under the demand.'
This is the author's only contribution to economic literature. Place was a radical reformer, friends with
James Mill and Jeremy Bentham. He drafted the People's Charter in 1838, though he took no part in the later
more extreme phase of Chartism, and greatly contributed to the legalization of trade unions.
*Kress C.943. Goldsmiths' 23493. Einaudi 4458. Not in Mattioli. Palgrave III,p.112. New Palgrave III,
POPPER, Karl (1902-1994)
Functional logic without axioms or primitive rules of inference.
Amsterdam, North-Holland Publishing Company 1947.
12p. Self-wrappers. Inscribed ‘With kindest regards/ K.R.P.' (#27812)
€ 450 |  |
Original offprint. Reprinted from Proceedings Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Reprinted from
Indagationes Mathematicae. Communicated at the meeting of October 25, 1947.
PRINCE-SMITH, John (1809-1874)
Uber Handelsfeindseligkeit.
Königsberg, Theodor Theile 1843.
87p. Uncut in orig. printed wrappers, back neatly repaired, light soiling. A few old stamps.
€ 500
First (only) edition, very rare. The most important publication of the author, the leader of the free-trade
movement in Germany. Prince-Smith was born in England and grew up in British Guiana as the son of a
governor. He emigrated to Germany in 1830 and there earned a living teaching English while studying
economics. He became an outspoken opponent of German protectionist policy as represented by the
Zollverein, and an ardent advocate of a liberal economic policy. In 1846 he founded the Deutsche
Freihandelsverein, a German counterpart of the Cobden Club of which he was also a member. He
also founded a Free Trade Academy and became the mentor of several German liberal economist.
Though his economic principles were not original, fully matching those of the classical economists as
popularized by Bastiat, Cobden, John Bright and so many others of the anti-corn law agitation, his fight against
protectionist legislation has much contributed to mitigating the extremes of German protectionism.
*Not in Kress, Goldsmiths' or Einaudi. Palgrave III,p.203.
|  |
RICHTER, Caspar.
Ein newes und sehr nützliches gerechnetes Rechenbuch, darinnen allerley unterschiedliche
vorfallende nothwendige Zinss, Wechssel, Taxa, Marckauff, Anlog, und Abtheil Raittungem zubefinden. Allen
Ambtleuten, Vorwaltern, Renthmeistern, Landsassen, Bürgern, Curatoren, Vormünden, u. auch
einem jeden Hauswirth, gemeineem Manne, ,und allen der Arithmetic liebhabern, gantz förderlich und
dienstlichen zugebrauchen.
Gedruckt in der Fürstlichen Stad Lignitz [Liegnitz], durch Nicolaum Schneider, in Verlegung Johan.
Eyhrings und Johan Perferts, beyder Buchhändler in Breslaw [Breslau]. Im Jahr 1620.
Folio (34 x 20,5 cm). [XVII],264p. Title printed in black and red, several decorated initials and
vignettes, woodcut printer's mark at end. Modern green vellum in slip-case. A few vague stains but a very good
copy. (#29257)
€ 1500 |  |
Third edition, earlier editions are dated 1601 and 1612. A calculator developed for banks, money lenders
and merchants, primarily relating to the conversion of currencies, interest, installment payments, international
measures and weights. The author was ‘a citizen and German schoolmaster at Breslau', no further details about
him found.
SAINT-PIERRE, Charles Irénée Castel de
Projet pour perfectionner l'education. Avec un discours sur la grandeur & la sainteté des
hommes. [Half-title: Ouvrages sur divers sujets.]
A Paris, chez Briasson 1728.
12mo. [24],317,[5]p. and [2]p. between p.268 and 269. Contemp. calf, gilt back with red label,
red edges, marbled endpapers, slight wear to top of back and corners. Occasional mostly mild browning and a
few brown spots, tiny burnhole in one page. (#35511)
€ 450 |  |
First edition. One of the author's many proposals for the improvement of society. ‘One of the most effective
means of increasing the happiness of men is to make them gradually acquire, in childhood and youth, the habits
which are most likely to make them avoid the evils caused by reciprocal injustices, and to procure for them the
goods which arise naturally from a natural benevolence.' (Preface) The author advocates an important role for the
state in education, the establishment of a Ministry of Public Education, responsible for reforming teaching
methods and achieving uniformity in all educational institutions.
De maniere om een proces te voeren, leerende hoemen een sake voor rechte sal bedinghen, ende
voorsichtelijck beleyden van beghinne totten eynde. [ And:] Dboeck van exceptien inden rechte, seer nut
ende profitelijck om eenen persoon oft een sake voor rechte te verweeren, verantwoorden, beschudden ende te
beschermen, vergadert wt den gheestelijcken ende weerlijcke rechten. [ And:] [ ANDREAS
PERNEDER (1500-1543)] Een tractaet van criminele saken, te weten:
van saken die dlijf aengaen, ende is ghenomen uut de keyserlijcke rechten, midtsgaders de allegatien vande
rechten in Latijn, leerende watmen doen ende laten sal (na uutwijsen vande rechten) in saken daer dore dat een
mensche soude mueghen beschadicht werden aen zijn goet-fame, oft aen zijnen lichaeme.
Gheprint T antwerpen ... by Hans de Laet 1551.
3 volumes in 1. Small 8vo (14 x 9 cm). [64]; [56]; [68] lvs. With three different fine woodcut
illustrations of a courtroom on the titles. Nineteenth-century half calf, gilt back, modern bookplate to front paste
down. Some faint thumbing, small ink-blot on fore-edge, old faded name at foot of first title, few contemp.
scribbling on some blanks. (#33038)
€ 1750

First edition in Dutch of the first work, second editions in Dutch of the other works, of three
translations of early German works on criminal justice and legal practice. The first two titles are translations of
works published in Frankfurt in 1543 and 1546: Gerichtlicher Process (often attributed to Perneder, but
here to Salwechter), and Acervvs exceptionvm ivris. The third work first appeared in Ingolstadt in 1544
or 1545 as Von straff unnd Peen aller unnd yeder Malefitz handlungen ain kurtzer bericht.
*Belgica Typographica 4234, 4228, 3960. The first work is represented in STCN by editions of 1553,
1620, 1624, 1641 and 1648 only, STCV lists an edition of 1553 only. The second work is not in STCN, NCC
records copies in UBL and UVA (dated 1550), STCV lists an edition of 1553 only. The third work is not in
STCN, NCC records two copies dated 1550 (KB and UVA) and several copies of 1554, STCV lists two copies
dated 1551.
The 'Northeastern part of Siberia, the Ice-Sea,
the Eastern-Ocean and the Northwestern coast of America'SARYTSCHEW [SARYCHEV], Gawrila (1763-1831)
Reis in het Noordoostelijke Siberie, en op de IJszee en den Noordoostelijken oceaan. Uit de
Hoogduitsche vertaling van Johann Heinrich Busse overgezet door N. Messchaert.
Amsterdam, Johannes Allart 1808.
2 volumes in 1. [II],XXXII,190; III-X,334p., wanting half-title to volume 2 as usual. With a
large folding engraved map (78 x 47 cm) of the 'Northeastern part of Siberia, the Ice-Sea, the Eastern-Ocean and
the Northwestern coast of America', 5 engraved plates coloured by hand, 10 folding engraved plates, and a
folding table. Small tear (c.5 cm) in the map. Contemp. half calf, marbled boards, extremities and joints
somewhat worn, edges dust-soiled. (#38245)
€ 1500

First (only) Dutch edition. An account of the Russian expedition in search for the Northeast
Passage to Northeastern Siberia, the Polar Sea and the Northeastern Ocean during the years 1785-1794. The
expedition was headed by Joseph Billings, an English navigator in the service of Catherine II, assisted by
Sarychev. The expedition greatly contributed to the mapping of the Chukchi Peninsula, the West Coast of Alaska
and the Aleutian Islands.
The original Russian edition appeared 1802. This Dutch edition was done after the German translation of
1805-06. An abridged English edition appeared 1806.
 | SCHRöDER, Wilhelm von (1640-1688/9)
Fürstliche Schatz- und Rent-Cammer. Nebst seinem Tractat vom Goldmachen wie auch vom
Ministrissimo oder Ober-Staats-Bedienten.
Zu finden in Leipzig, bey Thomas Fritschen 1721.
[XXXII],484,[11]p. With folding table. Contemp. calf, gilt back, gilt coat of arms. Tiny
wormhole in upper margin of index leaves. (#40274)
€ 1250 |  |
Fourth or fifth edition, first published in 1686, and at least 7 times reprinted until 1752. One of the three
major works of the older German cameralist school of economics, usually quoted with Becher's Politische
Discurs of 1668 and Hoernigk's tract of 1684. Schröder was a German by birth but spent the greater part of
his life in Austria and Hungary as an administrator in the service of Leopold I, to whom this volume is dedicated.
August Oncken (in Palgrave) notes that this does not seem completely justified for Schröder. Schröder held
that ‘it is not the import and export of money, but the equilibrium of the different trades which causes the wealth
or poverty of a country'. In fact, Schröder was among the first of the German mercantilists who distinctly
supported the balance-of-trade theory. He supported free trade which he regarded as ‘the principal and the best
means whereby a country may become rich'.
Keynes has praised Schröder for his arguments against the opinion of other mercantilists who advocated
the accumulation of state treasure as a means for the enhancing of the power of the state. Schröder however
‘employed the usual mercantilist arguments in drawing a lurid picture of how the circulation in the country would
be robbed of all its money through a greatly increasing state treasury' (General theory, p.344).
It has been noticed that this work shows the profound influence of its author's visits to England, where he
became acquainted with among others Thomas Hobbes, William Petty and Robert Boyle, and that it betrays
considerable indebtness to Thomas Mun, even though he does not mention that illustrious author.
*Kress S.1603. Humpert 84. K.E.Carpenter, The economic bestsellers before 1850, VII,5.
Goldsmiths' has an edition of 1704 only. K.Zielenziger, Die alten deutschen Kameralisten, p.295-334.
Palgrave III,p.365.
SMITH, Adam (1723-1790)
An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. With a life of the author. Also, a view
of the doctrine of Smith ...
London, printed for William Allason and J.Maynard, and W.Blair, Edinburgh 1819.
3 volumes. Contemp. embossed calf, backs with gilt-lettered black labels, volume I and II early
rebacked with minor differences in color and embossment of backs, hinges of volume III starting but firmly
holding. With bookplate of the Eccle Riggs Library in volume III. (#34193)
€ 900 |  |
SPINOZA, Baruch (1732-1677)
Zwey Abhandlungen über die Kultur des menschlichen Verstandes und über die
Aristokratie und Demokratie. Herausgegeben und mit einer Vorrede begleitet von S.H.Ewald.
Leipzig, in der von Schönfeldschen Handlung 1785.
Small 8vo. XVI,96,242,IV,243-246,V-VIII,247-248,257-263p., some errors in pagination and
somewhat disorderly bound, but complete. Contemp. calf, gilt back with red label, decorated endpapers, little
rubbed, upper cover somewhat dented. Browned. (#32740)
€ 1500 |  |
First German edition of De intellectus emendatione and Tractatus politicus, translated from
the Latin of the Opera posthuma. Translated by Schack Hermann Ewald (1745-1824), a court clerk and
freemason from Gotha who also translated the Tractatus theologico-politicus and Ethica into
German, published 1787-93 as Spinoza's Philosophische Schriften.
*Kingma & Offenberg 27. Van der Linde 29. Spinoza-Bibliografie 6631. Not in Wolf or Spinozahuis.
Statuti dell'Università de'Mercanti di Siena.
Statuti dell'Università de'Mercanti, e della Corte de gl'Offiziali della Mercanzia della
Città di Siena. Riformati per comandamento del Sereniss. Don Cosimo II Gran Duca Quarto di Toscana.
Divisi secondo l'antica forma loro in quattro distinzioni. La prima, tratta del modo di eleggere gl'Offiziali, & i
loro Ministri, e de gl'obblighi loro. La seconda, dell'ordine, e modo di procedere nelle Liti, e Cause; e
dell'eseguire le Sentenze. La terza, del modo di conuenire tra i Particolari. La quarta, delle cose da offeruarsi
dall'arti. Con la tavola di tutte le rubriche.
In Siena, appresso Bonetti 1619.
Large 4to (29 x 21 cm). [XII],160p. With coat of arms of the Medici and woodcut of the
Assumption of the Virgin with the city of Siena on title. Contemp. vellum. First and last leaves and some margins
stained, tear in p.155/156, p.157-160 with many repairs. (#39508)
€ 900  |
Second edition of the statutes of the organization of trade in the City of Siena. First published in 1572 they
appear here revised by order of Cosimo II de Medici, grand duke of Tuscany.
It is divided into four parts. The first part deals with the election of officials and their duties, the second
part the way of resolving conflicts, the third the relations between the trades, and the fourth details on regulations
for the various guilds of Siena, like pharmacists, goldsmiths, booksellers and silk sellers. It includes numerous
details of interest for the legal, financial, economic and social history of a seventeenth century Italian city.
*Kress, S.477. Kress, Italian 127. Not in Goldsmith's, Einaudi or Mattioli.
|  |
SüSSMILCH, Johann Peter (1707-1767)
Die göttliche Ordnung in der Veränderungen des menschilichen Geschlechts, aus der Geburt,
dem Tode und der Fortpflanzung desselben erwiesen. Vierte, verbesserte Ausgabe, genau durchgesehen und
näher berichtiget von Christian Jacob Baumann. Neue Auflage. [ With:] Dritter Theil, welcher
Anmerkungen und Zusätze zu den beiden ersten Theilen nebst einer Abhandlung von
Wittwenverpflegungsgesellschaften enthält, herausgegeben von Christian Jacob Baumann. Zweyte
verbesserte und sehr vermehrte Auflage.
Berlin, Im Verlag der Buchhandlung der Realschule 1787-1788.
3 volumes. [VIII],XX,576,130; [IV],580,81; XXX, 850,119,[2 errata]p. With 36 tables to
volume 1, 39 tables to volume 2 (incl. 1 folding), and 45 tables to volume 3. Contemp. half calf, spine ends
chipped and worn, corners and edges worn. Deaccession stamp on title and another stamp at end of volume 3.
€ 1150

A new issue of the fourth and best edition, together with the second revised edition of
Baumann's complementary volume.
The first complete and systematic treatise on demography and population statistics in Germany, building
forth on the work of William Derham, John Graunt and William Petty. Süssmilch's Divine order in the
circumstances of the human sex, birth, death and reproduction was an attempt to disclose the demographic
phenomena that, as he thought, were regulated by the Divine Order. The work includes a fairly complete
compendium of all the statistical literature up to his time. Schumpeter notes of Süssmilch that he ‘may be
said to have put vital statistics definitely on its feet by developing and systematizing the work of his English
*Schumpeter p.212.
A great copy of a very rare book[TOLAND, John (1670-1722)]
Pantheisticon. Sive formula celebrandae sodalitatis Socraticae, in tres particulas divisa; quae
pantheistarum, sive sodalium, continent I, Mores et axiomata: II, Numen & philosophiam: III, Libertatem, & non
fallentem legem, neque fallendam. Praemittitur de antequis & novis eruditorum sodalitatibus, ut & de universo
infinito & aeterno, diatriba. Subjicitur de duplici pantheistarum philosophia sequenda, ac de viri optimi &
ornatissimi idea, dissertatiuncula.
Cosmopoli [London?] 1720.
[VI],89p. With several vignettes and ornamented initials. Title and page 47-73 printed in red
and black. Contemp. red morocco, back richly gilt, both sides with gilt triple-line borders, inside gilt dentelles, all
edges gilt, marbled endpapers. First blank with a long nineteenth century annotation in French. (#31756)
€ 4500

First edition, very rare. Toland's last important book, in which he clearly identified himself
as a pantheist, was printed in a very limited number of copies (50?) for private circulation only. His
earlier and best known book Christianity not mysterious (1696) had caused great controversy upon
publication, which explains his precautions regarding the dissemination of the present work. Wolf notes that the
work ‘gave great offence as a sort of liturgic service made up of passages from heathen authors, in imitation of
the Church of England liturgy'.
Toland had already in the early eighteenth century been classified as a Spinozist. ‘While John Toland in
1704, when he published his Letters to Serena, still refrained from taking a radical antirelious stand, such
reluctance is no longer evident in his Pantheisticon, which clearly shows the unbroken influence of
Spinoza. Outlining the philosophic teachings, cult and liturgy for a sodality of pantheists who reject revelation
and miracles, it glorifies truth and freedom which liberate man from the shackles of tyranny and superstition.'
‘His place in the history of ideas depends, not on novel contributions to philosophical theory, but on his
unrelentingly honest and well-directed critique of the dogmatism of established religion, and his modest but
original contribution to the theory of textual interpretation. His commitment to free-thinking, to religious
toleration and to civil liberties was a prescient anticipation of the Enlightenment.' (Dictionary of
eighteenth-century British philosophers)
*Van der Linde Benedictus Spinoza. Bibliografie 330 note. Spinoza (1632-1677), the library of
the late Prof. Dr. A.Wolf 925. Bamberger, Spinoza & anti-Spinoza literature 251.
Vanini, Lucilio [Giulio Cesare] - [ARPE, Peter
Apologia pro Jul. Caesare Vanino, Neapolitano.
Cosmopoli [Rotterdam], typis Philaletheis 1712.
IV,108p. Contemp. vellum, marbled pastedowns, free endpapers gone. Mildly browned.
€ 500  |
First edition. An apology for the Italian philosopher and freethinker Giulio Cesare Vanini (1585-1619),
influenced by Pietro Pomponazzio, and one of the first to ‘view nature as an entity governed by natural laws'.
Suspected of heterodox and atheistic views he was forced to live a very adventurous life, fleeing the authorities
from France, Switzerland, the Low Countries, and England. After the publication of his De admirandis
naturae reginae deaeque mortalium arcanis (Of the wondrous nature of the queen and goddess of mortal
mysteries) (1616) he was arrested and condemned ‘to have his tongue cut out, to be strangled at the stake and
to have his body burned to ashes'.
Arpe was a German lawyer and historian of Schleswig-Holstein. He was also the author of a
Réponse à la dissertation de Mr. de la Monnoye sur le traité des trois imposteurs
|  |
 | VOLTAIRE (1694-1778)
La Bible enfin expliquée par plusieurs aumoniers. De S.M.L.R.D.P.
Londres [Amsterdam, M.M. Rey] 1776.
2 volumes in 1. [IV],274,[IV],275-550,[1]p. Contemp. calf, back richly gilt with red label, red
edges. Fine copy. (#41436)
€ 650 |  |
Published in the year of the first edition. One of Voltaire's last books in which he maliciously points out the
contradictions and inconsistencies of the stories of the Old Testament, not free of anti-Semitic utterances.
'S.M.L.R.D.P.' stands for 'Sa Majeste le Roi de Pologne' or 'de Prusse'.
*Bengesco 1861, 3.
ZUCCOLO, Lodovico (1568-1630)
Dialoghi ... De'saluti. Della eminenza della pastorale. Della bellezza. Della detta, e della disdetta.
Della vergogna. Della clemenza. Della gelosia. Del flusso, e riflusso delle virtu, e de'vitij. Della città
Felice. Dell' amore scambieuole fra'cittadini. Del piacere. De'terrori panici. Della republica d'Evandria. Della
republica d'Utopia. De'varij fini degli huomini. Ne'quali con varietà di eruditione si scropono nuoui, e
vaghi pensieri filosofici, morali, e politici.
In Venetia, appresso Marco Ginammi 1625.
4to. [XL],278,[2 blank]p., lvs a3 and a4 bound between b4 and c1. With woodcut priner's
device on title and numerous woodcut initials. Contemp. carta rustica. Uncut with ample margins, upper margin
unopened, vague water stain in blank outer margin throughout, small loss in lower margin of b4, far from printed
text. (#38663)
€ 1500  |
Second much augmented edition. A first edition of 1615 was a small volume containing seven dialogues
only. The present edition is the first to include the important commentary on Thomas More's Utopia, as
well as Zuccolo's own ‘utopia': Il porto overo della Republica d'Evandria.
‘Zuccolo was read widely and achieved some fame in early modern Europe through his Aristotelian treatise
on reason of state. The interpretation of Zuccolo as the author of
a couple of utopian writings is of particular interest for the study of the relationship with the
mainstream discourse of reason of state. In Evandria Zuccolo combines the use of stylistic and
structural elements of the utopian genre with the development of a republican theory based on civic virtue and
public education.' (S.Saracino)
|  |